martes, 18 de agosto de 2015

My Favorite Instruments

I will talk about my favorite instruments. I have many favorite instruments like drums, guitar, piano, bass, bongo, among others.

Battery: Businesses For Sale is an instrument of which is considered one of the oldest instruments. The source of the battery is in 1890 in Europe. The battery consists of a set of drums, commonly wood, covered by two patches are commonly made of a plastic material derived from a drum comprises two patches. These drums can vary in diameter, affecting the tone, and depth, varying the sensitivity of the resonant head.

Guitar: Is a plucked string musical instrument, consisting of a wooden box, a mast on which is attached the fingerboard has six strings. It is the most widely used in genres like blues, rock, metal and flamenco, and quite common in singers. It is also used in the folklore of many countries.

The piano is a musical instrument classified as a keyboard instrument and swinging strings. It consists of a sounding board, to which has been added a keyboard by which steel strings are struck.
Throughout history there have been different types of pianos, but the most common are the grand piano and the upright piano or wall.

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